Sometimes right in the middle of life. Right when you think your mind is going to explode with everything that needs to be done. Right when you think that you've gotten yourself into a knot so tight... stop. Just breath. And look at pictures. And remember all the fabuous things that make you smile.
Be grateful. There is waaaayyyy more to be thankful about than you think. Try it.
When I do it, like I am right now... I wind up pinching myself to make sure it's real. And it is.
It's not a dream. It's my life.
-Just few 'smilers'-
brothers chatting outside my window
yummy suppers cooked by sisters
rainy days that make the inside so cozy
red mango with the friend
those random happy texts from friends
curly hair that drives me crazy
little niece's giggles
green grass -- the result of the rain
I spent a whole weekend with these fabulous people. Yep. For reals.
We jam-packed so much into 72 hours, it's amazing any of us came out alive.
Look at pictures. Cuz they're cool. and I like them. Check out our page on
FaceBook too.
I spent 10 days in Honduras. And I miss my "cooker ladies"! I would visit them. And they would make me snacks. and laugh at me. and love me.
These kids took a part of my heart and ripped right out of me. The way they smiled. The way they were enamored with blues eyes... they way they loved without reserve.
I miss them.
And I'm grateful to be sandwiched in the middle of a bunch of boys with this girl. Yes, it was karaoke at our house that night. Too much fun. Honest.
And every day after work I come home to this place.
A wonderful house.
But more than that... a wonderful family.
I love my life. And I love the ones in it.
What random things are you grateful for this lovely rainy evening?