A Story of Relentless Love and Redemption
An ordinary girl. A big God. A heart full to the brim with love.
This is the recipe for impacting the world, one little child at a time.
Katie set out for Uganda for a 10 month missions trip. God gripped her heart and the children burrowed their way into her heart. The poverty, countless needs and smiles on the faces of innocent little children would change her life forever.
13 daughters and a large house later, Katie now calls Uganda home. The stories aren't all glamourous. Pain and sorrow, difficulty and hurt lace their way through the sincerely written pages of this book. Sacrifice and change, yes, but also rich joy and satisfaction. Katie loves Jesus. He flows through her life and pours out to those around her.
She doesn't call herself courageous for living in a foreign country, leaving all the comforts of America, surroudning herself with the sick, broken and starving people of Uganda. No, she calls herself blessed to be able to serve an awesome God.
Children literally sit in garbage heaps, disease and sickness prevail over most families. How does one even start to combat this horrible state of living?
Love. It all runs back to love. How can you tell hungry, sick, forgotten children that Jesus loves them without first showing them Jesus' love? Story after story is written how God is at work. Lives are healed, people are transformed and God is glorified.
Armed with cups, food, medicine and a giant does of love, Katie and her daughters head into the surrounding villages to show the love of Jesus in a way people can understand. The story of each one of her precious daughters is written about, and you can't help but be overwhelmed with the goodness of God.
Katie doesn't tell everyone to leave their life and start working with children overseas. Not at all. Katie encourages each person to love.
"You can't change the whole world, but you can change the world of one person."
For $300 per year you can radically change the life of a child. Education, clothing, school supplies and medical needs, for $25/month.
Driven by her desperate longing to demonstrate the love of Jesus and invest in the lives of countless children Katie started a non-profit sponsoring program.
Learn more about Amazima or read The Blog
"I tell you the truth,
whatever you did for one of the least of these...
you did for Me."
Matthew 25:40