Monday, June 12, 2017

Romania Update

Ice coffee in one hand, Bible in the other - Romania prep is real!

June 22nd is fast approaching, and I wanted to give you a quick update.

Plans are falling in to place and our team is hustling to get everything prepped and ready for when we fly out next week!  Funds are coming in (thank you from the bottom of my heart!) and the packing is about get real - or maybe it should be getting real, but I normally don't begin until the last min because I can't handle the anticipation of having an open suitcase in my room.

I absolutely love love love the theme for our week with the kids.  It's all about drawing closer to God - what it looks like to cultivate a relationship with God, and practically how they as children form habits and patterns to grow daily in their walk with Jesus.

I volunteered/was volunteered to partner with Daisy (teammate) to write the lessons and teach them during the camp, (hence the coffee and Bible).  Bible reading, prayer, worship, fruits of the Spirit, being doers of the Word... each day we'll talk about a different way to grow closer to God.  It's been challenging to dig into these disciplines, and encouraging to realize that all these aspects can be developed and experienced by young children.

I think back to the very first journal my dad gave me.  I was probably seven years old, and I loved that purple little book.  My entries weren't deep and profound - they included a verse I pulled from my daily reading, an application or question and a prayer request.  Simple yes, but it instilled within me a habit of reading the God's Word daily and learning to apply it to my life.
My heart is excited to be able to encourage these kids to begin or continue these basic and life-chaning habits.

Prayer Update
Pray that God would be preparing hearts - both our own and the kids'
Pray that God would guide my heart as I prepare the lessons
Pray that God would continue to unify our team and the Romanian team

Thank you for your prayers and support!

"Draw near to me and I will draw near to you." 
James 4:8