Tuesday, July 7, 2015

24th Birthday - in Nepal!

My team + 2.  They loved on me and made my birthday so special!

Surprises, encouragements, gifts, pool party, lots of hugs, enthusiastic singing... I am so grateful to each of them!

Nepal does have some special birthday traditions that I gladly incorporated into my day.

On Monday, my birthday, we began a week long kids educational camp at a partnering school.  Bringing candy to all the students is a local tradition - and the kids were happy someone informed me ahead of time of this special sweet treat.

After school we headed to a very American looking pool at a hotel.  A double chocolate cake awaited me, with my picture on the front; candles blazing.  They strapped a birthday hat on my head and sang yet again.

Nepali tradition #2: feed all your friends cake.  Didn't think I would every feed people cake before my wedding reception... but it happened on my birthday.  And I was nice, for the most part.

Pizza, french fries and cake were enjoyed all around.  The evening commenced with games, encouragement and laughter.

I was a little sad my birthday was going to be overseas away from all my family and friends - birthdays are seriously my favorite time of year - but my new team stepped up and what a wonderful birthday to remember forever!

Of course I miss my family and friends... but you all crowded my phone/Facebook with loving notes.  Thank you.

I love you all!