Friday, July 19, 2013

Sometimes life finds you... a nurse in WWII.

...marveling in the little things in life, like pink shoes on the wrong feet.

...teaching piano lessons to three amazing little kids, for the last time.

...with sweat rolling down your face, in the middle of a Crossfit workout.

...witnessing in downtown Wichita, KS.

...roadtripping, getting lost, drinking Jamocha shakes and laughing all the while.

And then life keeps going. You stop to smile and look back at the pictures that make up oodles of memories. And pretty soon life finds you running again. quite literally...

my very first 5k. cold turkey. loved it.

...holding an itty bitty baby nephew for the first time. 
and time gave me a favor and stood still. for .098 seconds

...out thrift shopping with friends. 
{birthdays for the win!}

...sitting at the table, surround by the people you love the most. and who love you the most.

Life. My strange, crazy, unpredictable, fabulous, beautiful, messy life. 
once I stop to catch my breath maybe I'll post something worth reading. but pictures are better anyways.

Have a lovely Saturday {or whatever day it is.}


  1. Love all the pics!!! You have been busy! The baby is just precious....who does he belong to ?

  2. Anna, my name is Katie Bergen, and I found your blog by...well, I don't know exactly how I found your blog, but I've been enjoying it a lot! I love your enthusiastic outlook, and that your enthusiastic-ness shows through your writing and your pictures. Thanks so much!
    In Christ,

  3. Yay for thankful lists and special memories :) I started a thankfulness journal a while back and it has been really encouraging to journal day-to-day blessings in it! Blessings, Anna! Love your posts!
