Tuesday, May 6, 2014

A fresh opportunity

I was slightly interested, but not really.  A coffee date just to talk about how I could start an in-home business didn't appeal to my crowded schedule.  I had heard of this company, yes, but like I said, my schedule was full.  I almost told my friend "no, thanks!"

Good thing I didn't.

A week later I found myself sipping a hazlenut mocha blended drink, peering at charts, expanding my mind to skincare products, chatting with two friends and dreaming of a white Mercedes.  True story.

My eyes were opened.

Thoughts of "what animal did I rub into my skin this morning?" and "I had no idea that sweet smelling lotion was full of not-so-sweet ingredients" and "wow, America really doesn't know a thing about healthy skincare products... I'm moving to Switzerland!"

Turns out I don't have to move to Switzerland (unfortunately), I can know what I'm putting on my skin and roadkill doesn't need to find its miserable self on my valuable skin.

Thank you, Arbonne!

I cannot wait to unfold the specifics of what I just mentioned.  Blow-your-mind incredible.  At least I thought so, and I've a hunch you'll agree.

The Arbonne that's now in my home, it can be in your home too.  Actually it'll be in your cabinents, by your sinks, in cupboards, bedrooms, kitchens, purses and of course - on your skin.

The long and short - I've the joined the Arbonne Team and cannot be more excited.

Check back soon for a fresh perspecitive on skincare and a full disclosure of the above statements (including the white Mercedes. Yep, I knew you were still a little confused... haha!)

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