Monday, December 30, 2013

14 workouts, 14 days.

Are you kidding me?  Over Christmas break/holiday?

via text "So Anna, I am issuing a workout challenge to you! During these next two weeks, starting tomorrow, the goal is to work out every day, seven days a week.  You can do any work out you want for at least 20 minutes..." signed my lovely sis-in-law, Rach.
"You got it!" signed by an all-to-eager me.
 I have swung between regretting this desicion and thinking it the best ever.  14 workouts right over Christmas, with all the snacks, sweets and shopping... I've moaned and complained and loved every sweaty minute (except maybe when I smacked my eye on a boxjump, which produced an ever-changing array of colors on my right eye).


You pin a workout to Pinterest.  Do you really think you'll do it?

My "Just Do It" board isn't crazy full, I mosly enjoy Crossfit.  But due to the freezing weather I've started working through my workout board.  Time to start seeing if all the promo's and promises are true...

Here are the folowing workouts completed in the past 8 days.  Pick and choose.  Love and hate.

{The bolded days are the ones I really liked/were fun to do.  The rest were just "OK".}

Don't wait for the new year, start now! :)

Day 1 - Stretch, warmup, Core Workout Challenge
Hold a bridge for 2 stinking minutes - yep!  This was OK, I will def pair it with something if I choose to do it again

Day 2 - Crossfit WOD from Pinterest
Variet of workouts on this link.  Love them all. #crossfitcrazy

Day 3 - 20 minutes of Elliptical
Felt good to loosen up

Day 4 - Crossfit WOD from a local Box
I'm a fan.

Day 5 - 20 Min Everyday from Pinterest
Decent.  Gets your blood pumping and your body moving.  Good one to start on

Day 6 - Toned Thighs 4-min Blaster
Felt the legs once we got to the Blaster.  Didn't like the leg workout much, kinda lame.  Blaster is a Tabata with four different moves.

Day 7 - Do It Daily, 4-Min Blaster
Waayyy too easy.  Do It Daily would be good if you're just getting started, but I'd double all the reps in the future - for each round

b - Metamorphosis by Tracy Anderson
This one was great.  Tough and toning.  Works the inner muscles.  A little hard to follow, but I'm hoping to get a bit better as I do it more.

"The good Lord gave you a body that can do most anything.  
It's your mind you have to convince."
- Vince Lombardi


  1. Hey, I'm a new reader and I hope you don't mind, but quoted you in a recent post on my blog. It was some thoughts on people-pleasing and serving Christ. I quoted you here:

    Your thoughts have encouraged me; thanks!

    1. Of course I don't mind, quote anything you like! Thanks for dropping a note.

  2. oh! is the Tracy Anderson workout the one my sisters enjoy the most? I was just commenting to Dan last night that I'm looking forward to really working out again in another month or two... [grin]

    Way to beast it out during the holidays! :)
